1 Apr 2016


April's Featured Author: 
Chris Tetreault-Blay

1) Your Journey as an Author…..It all began back in 2013, the day that I found out that I was going to be a father. Something clicked in me, spurred me to want to write things down. I started to write a diary to my unborn child(ren). Then I caught the fiction bug. For years, ideas for stories had formed in my mind, by-products of movies and TV series I had watched or music that I had listened to. What emerged were three short stories, which eventually came together to form the main thread for The Wildermoor Apocalypse trilogy, beginning with 'Acolyte'. I continued to write on my lunch breaks and then decided to participate in NaNoWriMo in 2014, to bring life and - hopefully - closure to 'Acolyte'. I completed my 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo and finished the story in January 2015. Fate would then take control in the form of an ad that appeared on my Facebook from Bloodhound Books, asking for submissions. I took a chance and the rest is history. Thankfully, they liked my book enough to take me on at the first attempt and published 'Acolyte' at the end of June 2015. Since then, I have completed work on another three short stories (more novelette-length) which comprised my first self-publishing release, 'House Of Courtenay'.

2) What reading means to you.....Reading is my means of escape. Not that I ever want to run away from the life I have; I would never give that up for anything. But after the usual stresses of the days, being able to lose myself in someone else's world for a few hours, or even minutes, helps me relax. Reading is also the main source of inspiration for my own writing, as it is the most powerful tool in getting my imagination flowing. 

3) Whats next for you.....I am currently preparing for the release of the sequel to 'Acolyte', called 'The Sowing Season', which will hopefully be released at the end of April. I have decided to self-publish this title also and am so proud with what I have been able to produce this time round, and how the story of The Wildermoor Apocalypse is developing. From there, I will be taking a break from writing before returning to conclude the Wildermoor series with the third and final instalment at some point in 2017. 
